Saturday, November 15, 2014

Day 13 - There's a silver lining to liquids only

Sister Pam!

Work out this morning was a challenge, with the low fuel and light-headiness, but we got through it. Got a little cranky afterwards, but it was just low blood sugar. I was fine after a fresh juice at home. I'm sure it's hard with an active boy in the house, but I hope you can find rest time.

Yeah, the trots are annoying, but that's because we aren't eating any fibre to hold the poopies together! I only have to take 1 pill in the morning and 2 at night.

The Potassium Broth recipe is really good. I put a dash of salt, 2 garlic cloves and a rosemary sprig. Tasty!

Any good juice recipes to share? Weight loss? Clothing feeling different? Skin looking fresher?

Just trying to stay (restfully) busy around the house so as to not be bored.

Hang in there! You looked forward to this part so embrace it as best you can.

Oh, and the silver lining? When you're on liquids only, you don't have to pick stuff out of your teeth!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hey Sister Lisa:

Day 10, right?  We take out starchy veggies.

Got your post.  I think its a positive thing you were feeling the way you did.  Tells me you are detoxing.  I haven't yet felt any of those symptoms.  I have been eating a ton, probably not drinking enough water and have still had a little oil in my diet with roasted veggies and such.  Is that ok?

So these are the 2 days leading into the juicing.  I am going to try to do more liquids today.  I did buy a juicer at Target.  It was only $60 and its a Breville.  I have a busy morning running around, but hope to make some broth and veggie salad this afternoon to hold me for the next couple days.

I feel ready for the juicing portion.  I kind of want to start it and get it over with already.  I'm a little concerned with how much I have been eating.  I am usually a pretty light eater (except when I'm anticipating a cleanse and then I'm a lumberjack) but since I've been on this I'm eating a LOT!  I've only dropped 2 pounds but figure with the juice portion, I'll drop a couple more.  I'd like to keep it off after the cleanse and so I am already thinking about strategies for not overdoing it after the juicing portion when I am going to be hungry and ready to eat.

I have played around with intermittent fasting with some success.  I'm wondering if I may pick that up again.  Maybe that is why  my detox hasn't been bad (No, probably more likely because I have been consuming a lot and not really giving my body the chance to cleanse).  We shall see what the juicing brings!

Hang in there.  Sometime in December or the New Year, we can go for burgers:))


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Day 9 - I Can't has cheeseburger


Not a good start today.

I felt nauseous, gassy and sluggish this morning. So glad I didn't have to work because I couldn't think straight. Don't know what caused it, but by now at 9:30 PM, most of the ickiness is gone.

Made sweet potato chips today! A highlight that we both enjoyed.

Anthony is nervous about not having enough energy during the next phase leading up to liquids-only. He'll have to scale back workouts and listen to his body.

Juiced carrots, apples, lemon and ginger...great combo! When you go to Alfalfa's for juice, ask for that if you think you might like it.

We're not hungry (soups, smoothies and veggies are keeping that at bay) but it probably wasn't a good idea to get caught up on Top Chef today. Anthony wanted a cheeseburger and I was eyeballing filet mignon and fried calamari. Drool.

Settle down, now...they will be there on the other side. Must stay present and focused on goal!

How are you doing? I'll give you a call tomorrow to check in.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Day 8 - Crunchies be gone!

Day 8 - One week down! We are awesome in our commitment to better eating and living!

Alas, no more nuts and seeds. The lovely, crunchy, security blankets are out of our lives. For now. They will be there on the other side of this journey.

I love spending time in the kitchen (it's my favorite place in the house), but for crying out loud, it seems like I'm in there all. day. long. Since we can't go out to eat, there is no break from the prep and cooking. Kind of how it used to be for folks, I guess.

Today was the first day I felt hungry and had an appetite for something not in our food plan. It helps to be at work and be busy throughout the day.

BF: Sweet potatoes with maple syrup and spices
LN: Spinach and kale salad with chopped veggies and avocado, balsamic dressing
DN: Roasted veggies and a faux-hito (mashed mint, cucumber and lime with a bit of maple syrup in water. I think I'll track down some sparkling water to jazz it up).
Snack: Juiced veggies and apples in AM to drink during day.

Anthony's musings: When you leave behind certain foods/drinks, you realize that not only do they provide nutrition but they also provide comfort and reduce stress. Without them in your diet, and without replacing them with something that does the same thing, it is a struggle. Wow...we depend so much on food for emotional health and well being, and even to pass time.

For Day 9 (Tues), keep starchy veggies and smoothies in. We'll eliminate them on Day 10 (Wed). Day 11 (Thurs) will be like Day 10. Friday, Day 11 we start liquids only.

What are you feeling, eating, drinking, doing to make this successful? You are doing great and will be better for all of the sacrifices you're making now!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Day 5!


I wrote a long response last night and lost it on my iPad!  So here goes.

Overall-- feeling good.  Good energy and just feel good.

Nuts-- eating too many of them.  I'm going to try to watch it today and limit to 3 handfuls.  I think I've been averaging probably 6.  Yikes!

Had a smoothie for breakfast today.  Yesterday was oatmeal and berries for breakfast.  Lunch was a big salad with beans and lots of veggies including avocado.  Dinner was a smoothie and soup-- bean and rice.

Need to do more cooked veggies.

I did get the liver detox pills and have been doing those.

My powder drink is vegan but it contains pea protein and some fructose so I should probably ditch that.  Also, my almond milk has cane sugar in it.  I've been feeling too cheap to throw it away, but will go to the store soon and get unsweetened.  Also, still need to buy the juicer.

My digestive issues I was complaining about to you on the phone are still persisting.  Maybe eating too many nuts and beans!  I'm hoping the juicing will take care of that!!

Hope it's going great.  Let me know if I need to add your friend to this!


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day 4 - It's all good

Hey, Pam!

How's it going? How are you feeling mentally and physically? We're both OK so far...nothing really out of the ordinary at this point. Except when my coworkers start talking about food and I have to buy burritos for them tomorrow, then I start to miss things. But my GI tract hasn't felt this good in months, so it's worth the discipline!

Anthony is loving the nuts like you are! You forget how good just a simple handful of nuts are. Paired with an apple, it's like a dessert. Be careful...they do have a lot of fat.

Juiced apples, carrots, celery leaves (from garden) and parsley (also from the garden) this morning. Super tasty. Also had oatmeal with pecans, a bit of maple syrup, cinnamon and cloves.

Lunch was a brown rice tofu veggie bowl from Tokyo Joe's (we both had the same thing for lunch and didn't plan it!).

Anthony had plenty of energy to get through a brutal CrossFit class; I did a not -very-challenging yoga class. Are you doing any exercises?

Dinner was Thai stir fry tofu and veggies over quinoa. Stuffed!

What have you been eating and drinking? Are you adding anything new that you normally don't eat or drink?

Did you get any liver detoxifier? I got the Whole Foods brand Clean Liver Cleanser. It's not the same one we've used but it should be OK.

Tomorrow, no more grains. Still sooooo much tasty food to satisfy us. Cleanse on, Sister!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Fall Cleanse 2014

HI Anthony and Lisa:

It appears our blog is still active from the last time we did this.  Feel free to use the blog to log your progress, touch base with others (I guess that would be me), etc.

I ate too much chocolate and ice cream tonight.  Not good.

Tomorrows a new day.